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SOC 2 Audit Checklist- A Complete Step By Step Guide!

Achieving SOC 2 compliance is crucial for organizations as it demonstrates a commitment to maintaining the highest security standards.

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) recently conducted a System and Organization Controls (SOC) study, which shows the demand for SOC 2® engagements has increased by about 50%. This can be directly related to third parties and SaaS companies’ growing recognition of the significance of IT security.

Getting the SOC 2 Compliance security is not easy and needs the SOC 2 Audit Report Certification. A well-structured checklist helps in the process of making a SOC 2 compliance audit manageable and straightforward.

This guide will provide a detailed, step-by-step approach, from the pre-audit steps to preparing your SOC 2 audit checklist, ensuring your business is secure and compliant till you can claim your SOC 2 Compliance security.

Understanding SOC 2 Compliance Checklist

The SOC 2 compliance checklist is a comprehensive document that helps organizations align their policies, procedures, and practices with these criteria. This checklist is essential for identifying gaps in your current security posture and implementing necessary controls to meet SOC 2 requirements. This is the guide to your SOC 2 Standards and acts like the protection layer for your business from data breaches and threats. The SOC 2 Checklist covers everything, including risk mitigation and vulnerability management! This checklist describes the actions and safeguards that must be put in place and kept up to date to guarantee adherence to SOC 2 requirements.

Understanding SOC 2 Audit

A SOC 2 audit is the process performed to see if your organization’s control set meets SOC 2 compliance requirements. The requirements of SOC 2 Compliance consist of five trust service criteria (TSC) developed by the AICPA: security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. Previously TSC was referred to as Trust Services Principles, which offers the framework for evaluating a service organization’s controls relevant to information and systems for SOC 2 compliance.

A SOC 2 audit is conducted by an independent auditor to evaluate an organization’s adherence to the Trust Service Criteria. The audit assesses the effectiveness of controls in place to protect customer data and ensure compliance with SOC 2 standards. Preparing for a SOC 2 audit involves documenting your security measures, training employees, and ensuring that all processes align with the required criteria.

**Also acknowledge the role of SOC 2 Compliance Documentation with us!

Why Is SOC 2 Audit Checklist Preparation Vital?

Preparing a SOC 2 audit checklist is crucial for several reasons:

  • Ensures Comprehensive Security Measures

Preparing a SOC 2 audit checklist ensures that your organization’s security measures are complete and up-to-date. It helps identify and address gaps in your security framework, reducing the risk of data breaches. This proactive approach protects customer information and strengthens your overall security posture.

  • Streamlines the Audit Process

A SOC 2 audit checklist streamlines the audit process by ensuring all necessary documentation and procedures are in place. It reduces the time and effort required during the audit, minimizing disruptions to your business operations.

  • Facilitates Continuous Improvement

Creating a SOC 2 audit checklist encourages continuous improvement within your organization. Regular reviews and updates of security measures ensure they remain effective and aligned with industry standards. This commitment to security fosters a culture of vigilance and adaptability.

  • Enhances Customer Trust and Confidence

Achieving SOC 2 compliance signals to clients and stakeholders that you are committed to protecting customers’ data. By preparing a thorough SOC 2 audit checklist and achieving compliance, you enhance customer trust and confidence, which can be crucial in winning and retaining business.

  • Mitigates Legal and Financial Risks

Non-compliance with SOC 2 standards can lead to significant legal and financial consequences. Data breaches can result in fines, lawsuits, and reputational damage. A meticulous SOC 2 audit checklist ensures that all necessary controls are in place, safeguarding your business from potential penalties and legal actions.

  • Supports Business Growth

Compliance with SOC 2 standards opens up new business opportunities. Many clients, especially in regulated industries, require SOC 2 compliance from their service providers. By preparing for and achieving compliance, you position your organization as a trustworthy partner, capable of handling sensitive data securely, which can lead to new contracts and partnerships.

  • Standardises Security Practices

A SOC 2 audit checklist helps standardize security practices across your organization. It provides a clear framework for implementing and maintaining security controls, ensuring consistency and reliability in data protection. This standardization is crucial for larger organizations with multiple departments or locations.

  • Facilitates Effective Risk Management

Effective risk management is a vital component of SOC 2 compliance. Preparing a SOC 2 audit checklist involves conducting thorough risk assessments to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities. By understanding and addressing these risks, you can implement targeted controls to mitigate them, enhancing your organization’s overall resilience.

  • Prepares for Future Compliance Needs

The landscape of data security is constantly evolving, with new regulations emerging regularly. Preparing a SOC 2 audit checklist ensures compliance with current standards and establishes a strong foundation for meeting future requirements. This proactive approach helps your organization stay ahead of regulatory changes and maintain continuous compliance.

Steps To Prepare Your SOC 2 Audit Checklist

Achieving SOC 2 compliance requires careful planning and execution. It’s not just about passing an audit; it’s about ensuring your organization’s information security practices are robust and effective. Here’s an 8-step guide to help you prepare your SOC 2 audit checklist:

Choose Your Report Type

First, decide which SOC 2 report type you need:

  • Type 1: This report evaluates the design of your controls at a specific point in time. It’s less intensive and requires fewer resources.
  • Type 2: This report assesses both the design and operational effectiveness of your controls over a period, typically 3 to 12 months. Though more demanding, it provides a comprehensive view of your controls in action and is generally preferred by clients.

Your choice depends on your business needs and customer expectations. Type 2 is more thorough, making it more valuable if you aim to demonstrate robust control effectiveness.

Define Your Audit Scope and Objectives

Next, determine the scope and objectives of your audit. This involves:

  • Identifying the infrastructure, data, personnel, risk management policies, and software to be audited.
  • Clearly defining the objectives for each in-scope system or service, based on what you’ve committed to your customers in contracts or service level agreements.

Choose Your Trust Services Criteria

SOC 2 audits evaluate controls against five trust services criteria:

  • Security: Ensuring protection against unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • Availability: Ensuring systems are operational and reliable.
  • Processing Integrity: Ensuring systems perform accurately and reliably.
  • Confidentiality: Ensuring non-personal data is handled appropriately.
  • Privacy: Ensuring personal data is handled properly.

While Security is mandatory, the other criteria should be selected based on your business needs. Choose those that provide the highest ROI or align with your existing practices.

Conduct a Risk Assessment

The next step is to determine any threats to your data, people, processes, infrastructure, software, and information assets that might compromise your organization’s capacity to meet its goals. As part of the risk assessment process, you should ascertain the possibility of a risk happening as well as any potential effects on the firm. After that, you may order them according to the total risk to your company.

This rating will assist you in addressing each risk in the right way. Reduce the risk to a manageable level, this may entail creating or revising a business continuity plan, investing in technology, or implementing access restrictions or other security measures.

Perform a Readiness Assessment

When risk mitigation measures with procedures, controls, and policies have been put in place, it’s time for a readiness evaluation. A readiness assessment functions similarly to an abridged SOC 2 audit.

Even if you can do a self-assessment if you know how it’s usually preferable to involve an auditor or other third party because they have the knowledge and an unbiased viewpoint.

The auditor goes over all of your systems, procedures, and controls during a readiness assessment, noting important procedures that would be included in the formal audit.

Finally, they provide a management letter outlining any flaws or shortcomings related to each trust service criterion and offering suggestions for resolving them.

The preliminary readiness assessment assists you in identifying any potential areas for improvement and provides you with an overview of the areas the auditor will examine.

Naturally, the auditor is unable to directly assist you in correcting the flaws or putting recommendations into practice. Since they are unable to impartially audit their work, this would put their independence in jeopardy.

This is where the next step comes in—that portion is up to you.

Address Gaps and Remediate Issues

Following a readiness assessment, you should carry out a gap analysis and fill up any holes that you find.

This entails evaluating your current situation in light of your initial readiness assessment and your SOC 2 trust criteria compliance, as well as addressing any issues you identify to bring you up to SOC 2 standards in time for the audit.

Over many months, gap analysis and repair may entail:

  • Putting controls in place
  • conducting staff interviews
  • educating staff members about controls
  • Developing and maintaining control documentation
  • Changing the workflows

Similar to the readiness assessment, you might be able to contract with a different company that specializes in this procedure to complete your gap analysis, but this might add several thousand dollars to the cost. Hence, using a compliance automation tool can streamline this process and ensure all gaps are addressed effectively.

Implement Continuous Monitoring

Establish a continuous monitoring process to ensure your controls remain effective over time. This procedure can also be automated with compliance automation technology. Compared to manual procedures alone, using automation to monitor controls in real-time may give an organization a far more dynamic perspective of the efficacy of those controls and the firm’s overall security posture. This is because businesses can monitor more security indicators with fewer resources, higher frequencies, and bigger sample sizes when data collection, analysis, and reporting are automated when possible.

Select a SOC 2 Auditor

Choose a CPA firm specializing in information systems to conduct your SOC 2 audit. A reputable firm with extensive SOC 2 experience will enhance the credibility of your compliance efforts and increase your chances of passing the audit.

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Steps To Process Your SOC 2 Audit Checklist

Once you’ve prepared your SOC 2 audit checklist, processing it effectively is crucial for a successful audit. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the audit process:

Complete a Security Questionnaire

Start by completing a detailed security questionnaire provided by the auditing firm. This will cover various aspects of your company’s policies, procedures, IT infrastructure, and controls. Ensuring your team is well-prepared will facilitate this step.

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Gather Evidence of Controls

Compile evidence and documentation for each control within your organization. This includes policies, procedures, and other relevant documentation that demonstrate compliance with SOC 2 criteria. A compliance automation tool can simplify this process by centralizing and organizing your evidence.

Conduct an Evaluation

During the evaluation phase, the auditors will review the evidence and may request walkthroughs of your business processes. They will assess how well your controls are implemented and whether they meet the required standards.

Address Follow-Up Requests

Be prepared for auditors to ask for additional information or clarification. They might identify areas needing improvement or gaps in compliance. Address these requests promptly to avoid delays in the audit process.

Review the SOC 2 Report

Upon completion of the audit, the auditors will issue a SOC 2 report. This report will contain their opinion on the effectiveness of your internal controls. Aim for an unmodified opinion, which indicates no significant issues were found.

Implement Recommendations

If the audit identifies any deficiencies, implement the auditors’ recommendations to address these issues. This may involve updating controls, retraining staff, or making other adjustments to enhance your compliance posture.

Maintain Continuous Monitoring

After the audit, maintain a process for continuous monitoring of your controls. This ensures that you remain compliant over time and can quickly address any new risks or changes in your environment.

Plan for Future Audits

SOC 2 compliance is an ongoing process. Regularly review and update your controls, and plan for future audits to ensure continuous compliance. Staying proactive will help you maintain a strong security posture and meet evolving industry standards.

Socurely Can Help!

Preparing for a SOC 2 compliance audit may seem overwhelming, but with a well-structured checklist and the right support, it becomes manageable. Partnering with Socurely can further simplify the process and provide the expertise needed to achieve and maintain compliance. Socurely allows you to:

  • Gather evidence automatically, check it for compliance with SOC 2 standards, and share it in a secure data room with your auditor.
  • Get notifications for risks and non-conformities and keep an eye on your IT stack to effortlessly maintain SOC 2 compliance year after year.
  • Reduce the time it takes to comply with additional frameworks, such as ISO 27001, PCI DSS, and HIPAA.
  • Use our collection of auditor-approved policy templates to expedite the policy-creation process.
  • Utilize Socurely risk and vendor modules to control third-party risks and comply with vendors.
  • Throughout the process, receive professional, end-to-end assistance from compliance specialists and former auditors.

In a UserEvidence survey, 95% of Socurely users reported they saved time and costs acquiring and maintaining compliance as a consequence of these features and more.

To find out more about how Socurely can make SOC 2 audit preparation easier, get a free sample right now!


How often should internal audits be conducted?

Regular internal audits should be conducted to ensure that all controls are effective and to identify areas for improvement. The frequency of these audits will depend on your organization’s specific needs and the complexity of your security measures.

What should be on a checklist for preparing for a SOC 2 audit?

Identification of scope and objectives, documentation of control activities, risk assessment, assurance of evidence availability, employee training, communication channels with auditors, and review of prior audit findings for remediation should all be on a SOC 2 audit preparation checklist.

What are the main phases in an audit procedure for SOC 2?

The following are the usual major phases in a SOC 2 audit process:

  • Organizing and deciding on a schedule
  • obtaining and going through a security questionnaire
  • Assessing the operability and control architecture
  • Testing the controls
  • assembling proof compiling the report
  • releasing conclusions or suggestions