Blogs   >   A Complete Guide To Choose The Best ISO 27001 Consultant In 2024!

A Complete Guide To Choose The Best ISO 27001 Consultant In 2024!

There is no lie that, bagging an ISO 27001 Compliance Certification can improve your business standards by improving trust, security measures, and protection from breaches and penalties. However, getting the ISO 27001 Compliance certification is difficult and involves a never-ending checklist. In general, a typical ISO 27001 Audit includes 10 management system clauses and 114 information security control annexures.

Here you can DIY the audit process and get certified. However, according to experts, it is better to get help from the professionals of ISO 27001 Consultants. But with so many consultants to choose from, how do you ensure you’re partnering with the right one? In this post, we’ll break down the key factors to consider when selecting an ISO 27001 consultant, the value they bring to your organization, and whether you should consider a DIY approach instead.


ISO 27001 Consultants

ISO 27001 consultants are experts in information security management systems (ISMS). They help organizations achieve and maintain ISO 27001 certification by providing specialized knowledge and support throughout the process. These consultants guide business through the complexities of ISO 27001, ensuring that all aspects of the standard are met and that the organization is prepared for certification.

  • Expertise in ISO 27001 Standards: A thorough understanding of ISO 27001 requirements is essential. Look for consultants with a proven track record of successful certifications.
  • Industry Experience: Experience in your specific industry can provide invaluable insights into potential challenges and solutions.
  • Certifications and Credentials: Consultants should have relevant certifications like as ISO 27001 Lead Auditor or Lead Implementer, demonstrating their expertise in the field.


What Adds To The ISO 27001 Compliance Consultation Service?

Gap Analysis

A gap analysis is the first step in the consultation process. The consultant assesses your current Information Security Management System (ISMS) against ISO 27001 requirements, identifying areas that need improvement. By identifying specific weaknesses and offering tailored solutions to close the gaps, this analysis offers a thorough roadmap for achieving compliance.

  • The Must Needed Documents In ISO 27001 Audit-
  • Review of Documentation

Examine any supporting materials to confirm that the audit scope is appropriate and that the controls meet ISO compliance requirements.

  • Review of the Field

Check the ISMR and gather proof to show what is not and is effective. Additionally, communicate with various teams to learn how they adhere to the ISMS requirements.

  • Internal Audit Report

Give the management a report on the internal audit. Including the audit’s goal, scope, and breadth; proof of what is and isn’t functioning; and suggestions for remedial action.

  • Review of Management

With the management, go over the action plans and the list of major and minor non-conformities. Also, determine if the company is prepared for an external audit and ISO certification.


Design, Build, and Deploy Your ISMS

Beyond just providing guidance, consultants help design, build, and deploy your ISMS. This involves setting up the framework, implementing necessary security controls, and ensuring that the system is fully integrated with your organization’s operations. The ISMS serves as the backbone of your information security strategy, protecting against risks and ensuring that all security measures are cohesive and effective.


Risk Assessment and Management

Consultants help identify potential risks to your information security and develop strategies to mitigate these risks. They assist in creating a risk management framework that aligns with ISO 27001 standards, ensuring that all possible threats are addressed proactively and effectively, safeguarding your organization’s critical assets.


ISMS Policy and Procedure Development

Consultants work closely with your team to develop and document the necessary policies and procedures required by ISO 27001. These documents, covering areas such as access control, incident response, and data protection, are crucial for demonstrating compliance during the certification audit. Properly documented policies also ensure consistent application of security measures across the organization.

  • Policies To Add In Place
  1. Information Security Policy
  2. Mobile Device Policy
  3. Remote Access / Teleworking Policy
  4. Access Control Policy
  5. Clear Desk and Screen Policy
  6. Acceptable Use of Information Assets Policy
  7. Communications (Information Transfer) Policy
  8. Secure Development Policy or Plan Supplier
  9. Management Security Policy
  • Mandatory Documents For The Management Of The ISMS
  1. Scope of ISMS
  2. Statement of Applicability 
  3. Inventory of Assets
  4. Treatment Plan and Risk Assessment
  5. Security Roles & Responsibilities
  • Mandatory Procedures Required
  1. Information Classification and Management
  2. Asset Management
  3. Vulnerability Management
  4. Access Control Policy
  5. Management of (Removable) Media and Storage Devices
  6. User Access Management
  7. Working in secure areas
  8. Change Management
  9. Capacity Management Anti-Malware
  10. Backup and Recovery
  11. Information Security Incident Management
  12. Business Continuity Plan
  • Additional Documents Needed
  1. Security-related job descriptions
  2. Training of Staff
  3. Audit Plans
  4. Internal and External Audits and the Results
  5. Maintenance Plans and Performed Maintenance Work
  6. Detailed logs, key performance indicators, configuration files, and network plans
  7. Agendas and minutes of meetings


Training and Awareness

ISO 27001 consultants provide specialized training to your staff, ensuring they understand their roles in maintaining information security. This training is vital for fostering a culture of security awareness within your organization, empowering employees to actively contribute to the protection of sensitive information and comply with established security protocols.

All workers of the business, as well as contractors and third-party users where applicable, “should receive appropriate awareness training and regular updates in organizational policies and procedures, as relevant for their job function,” according to ISO 27001 requirement 7.2.2.

  • “Staff Training Program Includes”-
  1. Employees with basic security training are better able to recognize and evaluate the main threats to your data assets.
  2. Periodically examine the training materials to ensure that it is still current and relevant.
  3. Regular awareness campaigns make sure your staff members are informed about your security procedures.
  4. Calculate the efficacy including measurements and comments to demonstrate comprehension and involvement
  5. Provide your staff with a training program that is centered on their roles and responsibilities.
  6. Play with data breaches.
  7. Check the answers from your staff and fill up any training gaps as needed.


Internal Audit Preparation

Before the official certification audit, your consultant will conduct a mock audit to ensure your organization is fully prepared. This process identifies any last-minute issues that need to be addressed, providing you with an opportunity to rectify them. The internal audit preparation helps minimize the risk of non-compliance and increases the likelihood of a successful certification outcome.


Continuous Support

ISO 27001 compliance is an ongoing process, and the consultant provides continuous support to help maintain and improve your ISMS post-certification. This includes regular reviews, updates to policies and procedures, and assistance with any challenges that arise. Continuous support ensures that your organization remains compliant and adapts to evolving security threats and regulatory changes.


Documentation Assistance

Proper documentation is a key requirement of ISO 27001. The consultant assists in creating, reviewing, and maintaining all necessary documents, including security policies, risk assessments, and audit reports. The consultant ensures that all documents meet ISO 27001 standards and are up-to-date, which is critical for both ongoing compliance and audit readiness.


Statement of Applicability Preparation

The consultant assists in preparing the Statement of Applicability (SoA), which is a crucial document that outlines the controls chosen to manage the identified risks. The SoA explains the reasons for selecting or omitting specific controls, ensuring that they are aligned with your organization’s risk profile and ISO 27001 requirements. This document is key during the certification audit, as it demonstrates your organization’s commitment to security.


Internal Audit & Readiness Assessment

Before undergoing the formal certification process, the consultant conducts an internal audit and readiness assessment to ensure that your organization is fully prepared. This step identifies any areas of non-compliance and provides recommendations for remediation. The readiness assessment helps eliminate surprises during the official audit, improving your chances of achieving certification smoothly.


Roles And Responsibilities Of ISO 27001 Consultants

Project Management

ISO 27001 consultants take charge of managing the entire certification process, from initial planning to final execution. They act as the central hub, coordinating efforts across various departments to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Advisory Role

As ISO 27001 experts, consultants provide ongoing advice and guidance throughout the certification journey. They demystify complex requirements and offer practical, actionable solutions tailored to your organization’s unique needs. Their expert insights help navigate the intricacies of ISO 27001, making compliance not just achievable but sustainable in the long term.

Documentation Support

Consultants play a crucial role in drafting, reviewing, and maintaining these documents, ensuring stringent requirements of the standard are fulfilled. Their support ensures that documentation is thorough, accurate, and ready for audit, eliminating all challenging processes.

Continuous Improvement

ISO 27001 is not a one-time project but an ongoing commitment to information security. Consultants help foster a culture of continuous improvement within your organization. They assist in developing processes for regular reviews, updates, and enhancements to your ISMS.

Risk Management Strategy

A key responsibility of ISO 27001 consultants is that they work with your team to identify potential security risks, assess their impact, and implement controls to mitigate them. This proactive approach ensures that your organization can effectively manage and respond to risks, safeguarding your information assets.

Audit Preparation and Support

Preparing for an ISO 27001 audit can be daunting, but consultants provide essential support to ensure you’re ready. They conduct mock audits, identify potential nonconformities, and guide you through the corrective actions needed.

Post-Certification Support

The consultant’s role doesn’t end with certification. They continue to provide post-certification support, helping your organization maintain compliance over time. This includes conducting periodic audits, updating documentation, and advising on new developments in the ISO 27001 standard.

Key responsibilities of ISO 27001 Compliance include-

  • Help develop and maintain information security policies and processes that meet ISO 27001 standards.
  • Make sure these policies are tailored using the appropriate automation platforms and technology to meet the unique needs of the firm.
  • Provide clear instructions for managing information security by ISO 27001 standards


Importance Of ISO 27001 Compliance

ISO 27001 compliance is critical for businesses that handle sensitive information. It demonstrates a commitment to information security, builds trust with clients and partners, and helps protect against data breaches and other security incidents. Compliance can also be a competitive advantage, particularly in industries where information security is a priority.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced Security: ISO 27001 provides a structured approach to managing information security, reducing the risk of breaches.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Achieving ISO 27001 certification can help your organization meet other regulatory requirements, such as GDPR or HIPAA.
  • Reputation Management: ISO 27001 certification is a recognized mark of security excellence, enhancing your organization’s reputation in the market.


Common Challenges To Find The Best Consultants

  1. Identifying Qualified Candidates

With so many consultants in the market, it can be challenging to identify those with the right qualifications and experience. Look for consultants with a proven track record, relevant industry experience, and appropriate certifications.

  1. Balancing Cost and Quality

Cost is often a significant consideration when hiring an ISO 27001 consultant. However, the cheapest option may not always be the best. It’s essential to balance cost with the quality of service to ensure you’re getting value for your investment.

  1. Understanding Your Needs

Not all organizations have the same requirements for ISO 27001 compliance. Finding a consultant who understands your specific needs and can tailor their services accordingly is crucial.

  1. Maintaining Communication

In order for a consulting relationship to be successful, effective communication is essential. Ensure that your consultant is responsive, keeps you informed, and is proactive in addressing any issues that arise during the certification process.


Here Socurely can help you avoid the common challenges. Socurely is a platform for compliance automation that enables you to quickly and affordably obtain ISO 27001 certification in addition to other frameworks. The compliance specialists will provide you with advice on how to obtain ISO 27001 certification as fast and easily as feasible.

Depending on where you are, Socurely may readily utilize the external audit because of its extensive network of auditors. Most significantly, to make sure you stay compliant, our specialists will collaborate closely with your security team.


How Socurely Plays Its Role?

  • Complete high-effort assignments including risk mapping, gathering data, and policy documentation while utilizing 75 well-known tools to expedite certification.
  • Simplify control monitoring with real-time alerts and user-friendly dashboards.
  • Socurely helps to integrate your technology stack to automate the collection of evidence and start collecting data as soon as compliance is attained.
  • Remain compliant with ongoing surveillance by recognizing, anticipating, and addressing security threats.


ISO 27001 Compliance: Consultant vs. DIY!

Consultant Approach:

Hiring an ISO 27001 consultant provides expert guidance, saves time, and increases the likelihood of successful certification. Consultants bring specialized knowledge and experience, which can be invaluable, particularly for organizations new to ISO 27001.

DIY Approach:

While some organizations may opt for a DIY approach to ISO 27001 compliance, this can be challenging without the necessary expertise. DIY may save costs upfront, but it often requires significant time and resources, and the risk of non-compliance is higher.

The choice between hiring a consultant and a DIY approach depends on your organization’s resources, expertise, and timeline. For most businesses, especially those new to ISO 27001, hiring a consultant with an automotive approach is the most efficient and effective way to achieve compliance.


Get Started With Socurely Now!

One reliable option for automation software is Socurely. Everything you need for your ISO 27001 is 100% available on the platform in a language that is simple to use and comprehend. Your organization’s non-technical stakeholders will also find it simple to complete their jobs.

Everything is automated, including staff training as well as tasks like placement inspections and creating the SOA report. Our very kind and accommodating team is always there to answer questions, provide guidance, and offer assistance.

All of this is now faster to deploy and costs less. As the Socurely compliance engine removes the need for needless human interaction and permits smooth automation, it directly controls the cost of compliance.

Looking for the right ISO 27001 consultant? Socurely is here to help. With a team of experienced professionals, Socurely offers comprehensive ISO 27001 compliance services tailored to your organization’s needs. From initial gap analysis to final certification, Socurely guides you through every step of the process, ensuring your success.