The Importance of PCI DSS Compliance in Online Transactions

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) ensures that all companies that process, store, transmit, or impact credit card data maintain proper data security throughout the transaction.

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Different PCI DSS Compliance Types

When it comes to PCI DSS compliance, various types cater to different scenarios:

RoC (Report on Compliance):-

The Report on Compliance (RoC) meticulously outlines twelve requirements, guiding organizations in maintaining a robust security posture to safeguard cardholder data. A qualified security assessor (QSA) conducts this external audit and control review, and the resulting report is valid for one year, renewable annually.

SAQ A (Self-Assessment Questionnaire A): –

Designed for e-commerce or mail-order/telephone-order (MOTO) merchants outsourcing all payment processing, SAQ A is applicable when there’s no storage, processing, or transmission of cardholder data on their premises or systems. All payment page elements must originate directly from a PCI DSS-validated third-party service provider.

SAQ A-EP (Self-Assessment Questionnaire A-EP): –

Similar to SAQ A, SAQ A-EP is for merchants outsourcing payment processing without storing, processing or transmitting cardholder data on their premises or systems. However, each element of the payment page must originate from either the merchant’s website or a PCI DSS-compliant service provider.

SAQ D (Self-Assessment Questionnaire D): –

Tailored for merchants not fitting into the above categories and service providers eligible for an SAQ, SAQ D is a comprehensive assessment for entities with diverse compliance needs.

Understanding these PCI DSS compliance types ensures organizations apply the right standards to their specific environments.

Review Your State of PCI DSS Compliance

Socurely supports Level 1 merchants and service providers who need a Report on Compliance (RoC), as well as organizations that need to complete a PCI DSS SAQ.

Key Benefits:

  • Simplify the assessment process by gathering evidence and addressing PCI DSS’s 300+ control requirements in a single location.
  • Socurely assists in determining your compliance level and guides whether an RoC (Report on Compliance) or SAQ (Self-Assessment Questionnaire) is required.

Connect Your Tech Stack

We integrate with more than 25 vendors and tools you’re already using and fetch security and privacy data on your behalf to map data flows and check security controls.

Key Benefits:

  • Monitor more than 25 cloud services, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
  • Surface vulnerabilities and receive instructions for maintaining a secure configuration.
  • Leverage our partner network of Approved Scanning Vendors (ASV) and penetration testers to help meet requirements necessitating a service.

Build Policies That Satisfy PCI DSS Compliance Requirements

Utilize and tailor the library of templated policies, ensuring PCI DSS compliance, to align with your distinctive business practices.

Key Benefits:

  • Choose from a selection of policies crafted by our in-house compliance experts and validated by numerous auditors.
  • Develop and circulate policies for staff members to review and acknowledge at their convenience using the Socurely platform.

Complete PCI Training

PCI training can be expensive. We’ve built our own proprietary PCI cardholder data security training approved by our network of QSAs and PCI secure code training based on the latest OWASP Top 10:2021. This ensures valuable and efficient employee training for PCI DSS compliance, along with effective tracking.

Key Benefits:

  • Engage in a brief, comprehensive cardholder data security awareness training within just 30 minutes.
  • Educate developers on secure coding best practices via our training series, meticulously designed to fulfill PCI DSS requirements.
  • Monitor and track the completion of employee and developer training to ensure consistent compliance.