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Effective Steps To Create ISO 27001 Risk Treatment Plan!

The ISO 27001 standard provides a robust framework for managing information security risk. At the core of ISO 27001 lies the Risk Treatment Plan (RTP)—a strategic document that guides organizations in identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that threaten the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their information assets.

The CIA triad—confidentiality, integrity, and availability—is the foundation for information protection within the ISO 27001 framework. Any or all of these components may be jeopardized when a risk materializes, leaving resources unprotected and goals unfulfilled. This is the reason the core of ISO 27001 is a risk treatment plan (RTP).

The CIA triad—confidentiality, integrity, and availability—is fundamental to the ISO 27001 framework. When a risk materializes, any of these components may be compromised, leaving resources vulnerable and business objectives unmet. That’s why a well-organized Risk Treatment Plan (RTP) is crucial. It systematically addresses risks, prioritizes areas requiring attention, and enhances security measures.

In this blog, we will delve into the essentials of creating an effective ISO 27001 Risk Treatment Plan. We’ll explore when it’s required, the strategies to employ, and how to leverage ISO 27001 Annex A and ISO 27002 in your risk treatment efforts. Whether you’re just beginning your ISO 27001 journey or looking to refine your existing plan, this guide will provide the insights needed to succeed.

ISO 27001 & Risk Treatment Plan

The ISO 27001 Compliance standard is recognized globally as a benchmark for information security management. It provides a comprehensive approach to managing and protecting sensitive information, ensuring that businesses can operate securely and confidently.

The Risk Treatment Plan is a critical component of ISO 27001 compliance. It outlines the steps an organization will take to manage the risks identified during the risk assessment process. This plan serves as a roadmap for implementing security controls, reducing vulnerabilities, and ensuring that the organization meets its information security objectives.

What Is ISO 27001 Risk Treatment Plan?

An ISO 27001 risk treatment plan is a practical guide that describes the steps and safeguards needed to reduce or eliminate information security threats found in risk assessments. One particular element of the risk management strategy is the ISO 27001 risk treatment plan.

A risk management plan, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive document that addresses every facet, from risk assessment and identification to treatment and monitoring.

It includes the following key elements:

  1. Risk Identification: The process begins with identifying potential risks that could impact the organization’s information security. These risks are usually categorized based on their likelihood and impact.
  2. Risk Analysis: After identifying the risks, the potential impact of the threats is analyzed. This analysis helps prioritize the risks, focusing on those that pose the greatest threat.
  3. Risk Evaluation: ISO 27001 RTP also includes the evaluation of the risks to determine which ones require treatment. This evaluation is based on the organization’s risk tolerance and the potential impact.
  4. Risk Treatment Options: The RTP offers few options or plans to the organization. The options typically include avoiding the risk, reducing the risk, transferring the risk, or accepting the risk.
  5. Implementation of Controls: Not just the risk treatment plant, but it also includes the ISO 27001 Controls, which should be aligned with the organization’s overall information security strategy.

When Is The ISO 27001 Risk Treatment Plan Required?

The ISO 27001 Risk Treatment Plan is required at various stages of the information security management process. Here are some key scenarios where the RTP is crucial:

  1. Initial ISO 27001 Implementation: When an organization first implements ISO 27001, the risk treatment plan is a fundamental requirement. It guides the organization in identifying and addressing the risks that could jeopardize its information security objectives.
  2. During Audits and Reviews: ISO 27001 certification involves regular audits to ensure compliance with the standard. The RTP plays a critical role in demonstrating that the organization has identified, assessed, and treated its risks effectively.
  3. When Changes Occur: Any significant changes in the organization, such as new technology, processes, or business partners, may introduce new risks. The RTP must be updated to address these changes and ensure ongoing compliance.
  4. In Response to Incidents: If a security incident occurs, the RTP guides the organization in responding effectively. It helps minimize the impact of the incident and prevent future occurrences.

Apart from this, a few significant risks can also need the risk treatment plan. Some examples include-

  • The danger of a possible data breach brought on by the disclosure of private data high-impact hazards
  • Not adhering to data privacy laws, such as the GDPR—Risks associated with compliance
  • Critical system failure that causes downtime risks associated with operations

Automated and impactful assessments using the ISO 27001 Framework can help in the identification of these risks.

What Strategies Are Beneficial In The ISO 27001 Risk Treatment Plan?

Developing an effective ISO 27001 Risk Treatment Plan requires a strategic approach. Here are some strategies that can enhance the effectiveness of your RTP:

  1. Risk Avoidance: This strategy involves taking steps to eliminate the risk. For example, if a particular process poses a high risk, the organization might choose to discontinue it or replace it with a safer alternative.

For instance- Avoid a project that demands a large investment with no assurance of profits.

  1. Risk Reduction: This is the most common strategy in risk treatment. It involves implementing controls to reduce the likelihood or impact of the risk. Examples include enhancing security measures, improving staff training, or upgrading technology.

For instance- To reduce the dangers of illegal access, a business can, for instance, install multi-factor authentication, access controls, and encryption.

  1. Risk Transfer: In some cases, an organization may transfer the risk to another party, such as through insurance or outsourcing. This strategy can be effective for risks that are difficult to manage internally.

For Instance- A company gets cyber insurance to pay for losses brought on by hardware malfunctions.

  1. Risk Acceptance: Sometimes, the cost of treating a risk may outweigh the benefits. In such cases, the organization might choose to accept the risk, provided it falls within its risk tolerance levels. However, this should be done with careful consideration and documented justification.

For instance- A corporation could, for instance, tolerate low-risk flaws in non-essential systems.

What Is The Role Of ISO 27001 Annex A In Risk Treatment?

ISO 27001:2022 incorporates 93 security controls into four categories:

  • Organizational (37 controls)
  • Individuals (8 controls)
  • Physical (with 14 controls)
  • Technological (34 controls)

However, there were 114 controls in ISO 27001:2013 (the previous version), which was separated into 14 domains.

Now let’s examine how these themes and controls support risk management strategies:

Controls within the Organization (A 5.1 to A 5.37)

Guidelines for risk management are provided by organizational controls. These consist of roles and duties that must be clearly defined, rules, and processes that supervise the application of information security measures.

Example of risk treatment- Setting up a governance committee or drafting a data protection policy to handle information security threats.

Individuals in Charge (A 6.1 to 6.8)

Human controls aid in the management of the risks associated with information security. Controls about human resource security and training are included in this category to guarantee that the proper individuals are employed and that they are aware of the rules so they can identify risks more effectively.

Example of risk treatment- Setting up phishing training or running background checks on potential hires to reduce the likelihood that individuals may fall victim to these types of assaults.

Physical Regulators (A 7.1–7.13)

The purpose of physical controls is to guard against damage or unwanted access to the physical infrastructure. To provide a secure physical environment, these controls include security perimeters, equipment upkeep, etc.

Example of risk treatment- Installing an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to reduce power failures and security cameras to watch guests.

Controls related to technology (A 8.1 to 8.34)

Using technological protections, technological controls contribute to the security of data and information systems. These comprise safeguards including network security, backups, and virus prevention, among others.

Example of risk treatment- Adding logging and monitoring to follow user activity and flag questionable efforts, or using encryption to secure sensitive data.

Although ISO 27001 Annex A addresses the controls, ISO 27002 Annex addresses the implementation. It assists in converting the high-level control objectives into practical steps that reduce the threats to information security.

For instance: Annex 8.1 of ISO 27001:2022 discusses “user endpoint devices.”

Create Your ISO 27001 Compliance Risk Treatment Plan With The Tips

Developing a comprehensive ISO 27001 Compliance Risk Treatment Plan (RTP) is crucial for managing and mitigating information security risks. Though it can seem complex, following these detailed steps will help streamline the process and ensure your plan is effective and compliant.

Start with a Thorough Risk Assessment

The cornerstone of an effective ISO 27001 Compliance Risk Treatment Plan is a detailed and systematic risk assessment. This initial step involves identifying potential risks that could impact the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your organization’s information assets. Utilizing tools like ISO 27005 can help guide you through this process, ensuring that all areas, including technology, processes, and personnel, are thoroughly evaluated. The goal is to identify vulnerabilities and threats, assess their potential impact, and prioritize them for treatment.

Key Steps:

  • Identify risks: Map out all possible risks across your organization’s infrastructure, including IT systems, human resources, and operational processes.
  • Analyze risks: Determine whether each identified risk has a high likelihood of occurring and what impact it might have. This helps in understanding which risks pose the greatest threat to your business objectives.
  • Document findings: Keep a detailed record of all risks identified and their assessed impact. This documentation will serve as a reference for the next steps.

Choose The Best Risk Methodology

Choosing the approach for your ISO 27001 risk treatment plan’s security risk assessment. This promotes appropriate resource allocation, alignment with corporate goals, and uniformity in the way risks are evaluated throughout the company.

Assessment techniques from which to select-

  • Qualitative assessments: Use descriptive scales such as low, medium, and high to assist in prioritizing risks and take a subjective approach to risk likelihood and effect.
  • Quantitative assessments: Provides a numerical number for risk effect and likelihood and aids in calculating the financial impact of the risks.
  • Semi-quantitative assessments- This classifies lower numerical values as “low-risk” and uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to provide risk ratings between 1 and 10.
  • Asset-Based assessments- Assessments that are asset-based are centered on evaluating the risks related to particular or important information assets.
  • Vulnerability-based assessments- Examine vulnerabilities in processes or systems that may be used against them, estimating the effect and possibility of such an attack.
  • Threat-oriented assessments- Evaluate risks according to the possibility and consequence of threats that might take advantage of weaknesses.

The organization’s risk maturity, capabilities, the complexity and structure of its information assets, compliance needs, and other considerations will all play a role in the approach chosen.

Prioritize Risks Based on Business Impact

Not all risks carry the same weight. Once you have identified and assessed the risks, the next step is to prioritize them based on their potential impact on your business operations. This involves understanding which risks could cause the most significant damage, whether that’s financial loss, reputational harm, or operational disruption. By focusing on the most critical risks first, you can allocate resources more effectively and ensure that your risk treatment efforts are aligned with your organization’s strategic goals.

Key Considerations:

  • Business objectives: Align risk prioritization with your organization’s business objectives and critical processes.
  • Impact assessment: Evaluate the potential impact of each risk in terms of business continuity, legal compliance, and customer trust.
  • Resource allocation: Assign resources based on the priority of each risk to ensure that the most significant threats are addressed first.

Involve Stakeholders in the Planning Process

Developing a successful RTP requires collaboration across various departments within your organization. Engaging key stakeholders from the outset ensures that the plan is comprehensive and considers all aspects of the organization’s operations. This collaborative approach also fosters buy-in, making it easier to implement the plan and ensure adherence across the board.

Key Actions:

  • Identify key stakeholders: Include representatives from IT, HR, legal, operations, and senior management in the planning process.
  • Facilitate workshops: Conduct risk assessment workshops to gather insights and perspectives from different departments.
  • Foster collaboration: Encourage open communication and collaboration among stakeholders to ensure that all potential risks and concerns are addressed.

Develop a Risk Treatment Plan

Once risks have been identified, analyzed, and prioritized, the next step is to develop a specific Risk Treatment Plan. This plan outlines how each identified risk will be managed, mitigated, or accepted based on its priority. The RTP should include detailed strategies for addressing each risk, including the implementation of appropriate controls, transfer of risk (e.g., through insurance), or accepting the risk if it falls within the organization’s risk tolerance level.

Components of an RTP:

  • Risk treatment options: Identify and document the options for treating each risk, such as mitigation, transfer, or acceptance.
  • Control measures: Define the specific controls that will be implemented to mitigate each risk.
  • Action plan: Develop a step-by-step action plan for implementing the selected controls, including timelines and responsible parties.

Select Controls and Prepare a Statement of Applicability

After developing the RTP, the next step is to select the appropriate controls that will be implemented to mitigate the identified risks. The Statement of Applicability (SoA) is a critical document that lists all the controls selected from Annex A of ISO 27001, justifying their inclusion or exclusion. This document not only supports the implementation of the RTP but also serves as evidence of compliance during audits.

Steps to Prepare the SoA:

  • Select controls: Choose relevant controls from ISO 27001 Annex A that address the identified risks.
  • Document applicability: Clearly state why each control is applied or not applied to specific risks.
  • Review and approval: Ensure the SoA is reviewed and approved by senior management as part of the overall risk treatment strategy.

Implement Controls

With the SoA in place, you can now proceed to implement the selected controls. This step involves integrating these controls into your organization’s existing processes and systems. Effective implementation requires careful planning, resource allocation, and continuous monitoring to ensure that the controls operate as intended.

Implementation Tips:

  • Integration with existing processes: Ensure that controls are seamlessly integrated with your organization’s current processes and technologies.
  • Training and awareness: Provide training to employees to ensure they understand the new controls and their role in maintaining compliance.
  • Monitor progress: Regularly monitor the implementation process to ensure that controls are effective and make adjustments as necessary.

Monitor and Review

The final step in developing an effective ISO 27001 Compliance Risk Treatment Plan is ongoing monitoring and review. The risk landscape is constantly evolving, and new threats can emerge at any time. Regularly reviewing your RTP ensures that it remains relevant and effective in addressing current risks.

Ongoing Activities:

  • Continuous monitoring: Implement continuous monitoring processes to track the effectiveness of controls and identify new risks.
  • Periodic reviews: Conduct periodic reviews of the RTP to ensure it aligns with changes in the organization’s risk profile and external environment.
  • Update documentation: Ensure that all changes to the RTP are documented and that the SoA is updated as necessary.

An Example

To illustrate how an ISO 27001 Risk Treatment Plan might look in practice, let’s consider an example:

Risk Identified: Unauthorized access to sensitive customer data due to weak password policies.

Risk Analysis: High likelihood of occurrence with a significant impact on customer trust and legal compliance.

Risk Treatment Strategy: Risk reduction through the implementation of stronger password policies, including multi-factor authentication (MFA) and regular password updates.

Controls Implemented:

  • Enforcing MFA across all user accounts.
  • Implementing password complexity requirements.
  • Password management is best practiced by employees who are educated on best practices.

Monitoring and Review: Regular audits of password policies and access logs to ensure compliance and effectiveness.

Get Integrate ISO 27001 Compliance & Automated Risk Management With Socurely

Managing ISO 27001 compliance and risk treatment can be a daunting task, but tools like Socurely can make the process more manageable. Socurely offers integrated compliance and risk management solutions designed to streamline your ISO 27001 efforts.

  1. Automated Risk Assessment: Socurely’s platform automates the risk assessment process, helping you identify and evaluate risks more efficiently.
  2. Continuous Monitoring: With real-time monitoring, Socurely ensures that your risk treatment plan remains effective and up-to-date, adapting to changes in your organization’s risk landscape.
  3. Comprehensive Reporting: Socurely provides detailed reports on your compliance status, making it easier to demonstrate your commitment to ISO 27001 standards during audits.

By leveraging Socurely’s tools, you can simplify the development and management of your ISO 27001 Risk Treatment Plan, ensuring that your organization remains compliant and secure.

Wrapping Up

Creating an effective ISO 27001 Risk Treatment Plan is essential for managing information security risks and maintaining compliance with the ISO 27001 standard. By following a systematic approach—starting with a comprehensive risk assessment, prioritizing risks, involving stakeholders, and regularly reviewing and updating the plan—you can ensure that your organization is well-equipped to handle potential threats. The better your RTP is tailored to your specific needs, the more resilient your organization will be against potential information security threats.

Socurely can further enhance your ability to manage compliance and risk, providing automated solutions that streamline the entire process. With the right strategies, controls, and tools in place, your organization can confidently navigate the complex landscape of information security, ensuring both compliance and protection.


What is included in the risk treatment plan?

An ISO 27001 Risk Treatment Plan typically includes risk identification, risk analysis, risk evaluation, risk treatment options, implementation of controls, and ongoing monitoring and review. Each element ensures that risks are managed systematically and effectively.

Which tools can help with ISO 27001 risk assessment and treatment

There are several tools available to assist with ISO 27001 risk assessment and treatment, including automated platforms like Socurely, which offer comprehensive risk management solutions. These tools help streamline the process of identifying, evaluating, and mitigating risks.

Can risk treatment plans be outsourced?

Yes, risk treatment plans can be outsourced to third-party experts or consultants who specialize in ISO 27001 compliance. Outsourcing can be beneficial for organizations lacking in-house expertise or resources to manage their RTP effectively.

How are new risks incorporated into the risk treatment plan?

New risks are incorporated into the RTP through continuous monitoring and regular reviews. As the organization’s environment and risk landscape evolve, the RTP should be updated to reflect new risks and ensure ongoing effectiveness.